Bachelor of Science in Forest Engineering from Oregon State University, 1972
Master of Forestry in Forest Engineering from Oregon State University, 1985
Career Experience
Forest Engineering, Mac Millan Bloedel Ltd. Vancouver Island, BC, Canada 1972-1976
Operational Cable Logging, 1976-1980, British Columbia, Canada, and Western Oregon
Instructor, College of Forestry, Dept. of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University, 1980-1985
Cable Logging Operations Development, Tasmania, Australia, APPM., 1985-1990
S. Madill Inc. Sales and Customer Support, 1990-1993
Cable Logging Specialist consulting 1993-Present
Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Colombia
Skyline Tension Monitoring Systems Development and Sales
Educational Qualifications
Educational Qualifications
Bachelor of Science in Forest Engineering from Oregon State University, 1972
Master of Forestry in Forest Engineering from Oregon State University, 1985
My Career Experience
Forest Engineering, Mac Millan Bloedel Ltd. Vancouver Isd., B. C., Canada 1972-1976
Operational Cable Logging, 1976 – 1980, British Columbia, Canada, and Western Oregon
Instructor, College of Forestry, Dept. of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University, 1980- 1985
Cable Logging Operations Development, Tasmania, Australia, APPM., 1985-1990
S. Madill Inc. Sales and customer support, 1990-1993
Cable Logging Specialist consulting 1993-Present
Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Colombia.
Skyline Tension Monitoring Systems Development and sales.